HUAWEI’s new non-Android OS, the HarmonyOS NEXT has surfaced

The fourth version of HUAWEI’s HarmonyOS operating system was unveiled at the HUAWEI Developer Conference (HDC 2023), which took place on August 4-5-6. HarmonyOS 4.0 enables a pure HUAWEI operating system experience free of Android code.

The new version, called HarmonyOS NEXT, contains no AOSP codes and no Android kernel, only the Hongmeng kernel. This version, which was installed on the Mate 40 Pro and MatePad Pro 12.6 for testing purposes, will be available for enterprise developers in August and for all developers in 2024.

If you try to install an application with .apk extension on HarmonyOS NEXT, which is free of Android source codes, you will see the warning “This file cannot be opened”. This OS only supports the “.hap” application extension. At first glance, HarmonyOS NEXT is not much different from Android-based HarmonyOS 3.0. The system interface and response speed are quite similar.

On the other hand, HarmonyOS 4 introduces new emojis and more lock screen customizations. According to official information, it is 20% smoother compared to HarmonyOS 3.0, the launch speed of the camera app is 57% faster, and the system animations are smoother.

HUAWEI’s operating system and ecosystem preparation with HarmonyOS, which has long suffered from the restrictions of the American government, is finally starting to show results.

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