Companies That Support Lifeline Near Me

Lifeline Companies Near Me

Use this tool to find companies in your area that offer Lifeline. Lifeline gives monthly discounts to reduce phone or internet costs.

If you were in the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP), see if you qualify for Lifeline. The ACP stopped taking applications on February 7, 2024, and ended in April 2024 due to funding limits.

About the Data

Search results are based on program enrollment and company information.
Some listed companies may not serve your exact address.
Not all companies near you may appear in the results, but they might still offer Lifeline services.
Contact companies directly to confirm if they provide Lifeline at your address.

Share Your Feedback

We update this tool regularly, so check back often.
If you have feedback, spot an error, or need to add or update Lifeline information, email us at