Motorola aims to dominate the smartphone market, they will double the production.

Sergio Buniac, the president of Motorola stated that the company’s maing goal is to enter the top three in the global market. Motorola believes that a key factor in achieving this goal is to generate substantial sales rates in Indian market. Motorola intends to significantly augment their mobile phone production and manufacturing capabilities within India through a partnership with Padget, a local electronics company.

Motorola currently has R&D investments in Brazil, China, the US and India. Buniac says, “We are now setting up our second camera lab outside our headquarters in Bengaluru in India. We are very committed to India in the longer term.”

Motorola announced that they aim to create a “real” diversity in the phone market instead of promoting the same phones in different brandings, unlike other brands. Xiaomi markets the same phones under different brand names like POCO and Redmi. Similarly, realme releases their existing phones with new names as part of the “realme narzo” series. Motorola aims to provide unique offerings and separate itself from other OEMs.

According to a report by the Economic Times, Chinese smartphone manufacturers currently have a 70% market share in India. It is not impossible for Motorola to achieve success in the market, if they make the right investments Motorola has the potential to achieve success and secure a favorable position in the Indian market in the future.

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