Nearby Share for Windows gets a huge redesign update, received file preview on the notification and more!

Nearby Share’s compatibility was expanded earlier this year with the support for Windows devices, and now Nearby Share for Windows is getting an update that brings a whole new set of useful design features.

Nearby Share uses Wi-Fi and Bluetooth to quickly transfer files between devices, and if Wi-Fi or Bluetooth is not available, you can also transfer files using mobile data. This eliminates the need to share files through a cloud service and simplifies the process of sharing files between devices nearby.

Nearby Share – July 2023 update

Nearby Share encountered some stability issues on Windows devices, like difficulties detecting nearby devices, problems initiating and completing a file transaction. However, Google has addressed these concerns in a recent blog post, indicating that stability has been significantly improved.

Nearby Share for Windows now boasts a fresh design update. Users receive advanced notifications about the estimated time of file transfers, making it particularly convenient for transferring large files. Additionally, a preview of the file being transferred is now visible in the notification. Previously no any preview was shown after an image was received on Windows device.

Google plans to have Nearby Share pre-installed on all laptops. Collaborating with HP, they are working to integrate Nearby Share into the Windows app for HP devices. By expanding to more original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and fostering widespread adoption, the seamless transfer of files between Android and Windows devices will become more effortless than ever.

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