Q2 2023 mobile phone shipment reports reveal decline in 15 countries and growth in only one country.

TechInsights, a research firm just published the Q2 2023 mobile phone market report. The report reveals an 8% year on year drop in global smartphone shipments, marking the eighth consecutive quarter of decline.

Q2 2023 mobile smartphone shipment reports

Global smartphone shipments have been in decline for a long time but the decline has slowed down recently, the decline has slowed down but still smartphone shipment rates are not at the OEM’s desired level and the decline continues.

In Q2 2023, an emerging contender has broken into the top 5 brands: Transsion. Transsion predominantly serves Asia, Africa, and Latin America, shipping 24.8 million units, a significant year-on-year growth of 31.2%. However, other brands continue to experience declining sales.

Samsung is in 1st position with 53.5 million sales, Apple in 2nd position with 43.1 million sales, Xiaomi in 3rd position with 33.2 million sales and OPPO in 4th position with 27.1 million sales. Transsion joined these tech giants in 5th place with a total of 24.8 million unit sales.

Tech Insights not only revealed the sales rate of the OEMs but the phone market in each country. Across many countries, phone sales dropped compared to the previous year, resulting in a global decline of 8%. The provided image from TechInsights highlights decreased shipment rates in most countries, except for South Africa, where an 8% increase was observed.

Italy remained stable, showing neither increase nor decrease from the previous year. Meanwhile, the rest of the world continues to experience a declining trend, with no immediate signs of improvement for now.

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