How To Fix Errordomain=nscocoaerrordomain&errormessage=kunde inte hitta den angivna genvägen.&errorcode=4 Error?

errordomain=nscocoaerrordomain&errormessage=kunde inte hitta den angivna genvägen.&errorcode=4

Developers using macOS apps sometimes face different error messages. A common one that can be puzzling is errordomain=nscocoaerrordomain&errormessage=kunde inte hitta den angivna genvägen.&errorcode=4.

This error means “Unable to find the specified shortcut,” which can be frustrating, particularly for those who don’t speak Swedish. This blog post will clarify this error, discuss what might cause it, and offer helpful solutions.

errordomain=nscocoaerrordomain&errormessage=kunde inte hitta den angivna genvägen.&errorcode=4

To understand Error Code 4, it’s helpful first to grasp the meaning of NSCocoaErrorDomain. Developers categorize errors into various domains to identify their sources in macOS and iOS development.

Specifically, NSCocoaErrorDomain pertains to Apple’s Cocoa and Cocoa Touch frameworks includes various error codes like errordomain=nscocoaerrordomain&errormessage=kunde inte hitta den angivna genvägen.&errorcode=4, errordomain=nscocoaerrordomain&errormessage=belirtilen kestirme bulunamadı.&errorcode=4, etc. These frameworks play a vital role in app creation for macOS and iOS. Typically, issues within this domain concern file management, data storage, and other essential features these frameworks provide.

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Examining errordomain=nscocoaerrordomain&errormessage=kunde inte hitta den angivna genvägen.&errorcode=4

Often, when you encounter error code 4 in the errordomain=nscocoaerrordomain&errormessage=kunde inte hitta den angivna genvägen.&errorcode=4, it suggests a file not found problem.

Various situations can trigger this type of error. A common cause is an incorrect file path, but moving or deleting the file can also lead to this issue. Additionally, typos in the file name or path might result in the same error.

Examining errordomain=nscocoaerrordomain&errormessage=kunde inte hitta den angivna genvägen.&errorcode=4

Common Reasons for This Error

Wrong File Path

A frequent reason for this error is a wrong file path. When an application tries to access a file at a location that doesn’t exist, it results in an NSCocoaErrorDomain error code 4. This often happens if paths are hardcoded and not updated dynamically, which can create problems when the file organization changes.

File Relocation or Deletion

Another situation that can cause this error is if a file the application needs has been moved or removed. This may occur during software updates when users take action or even when other programs alter the file structure.

Spelling Mistakes

Typos in the file name or path can cause this error as well. A minor file extension or folder name error can stop the application from locating the desired file.

Common Reasons for This Error

Access Permission Problems

Sometimes, this error happens because the application lacks the right permissions to access the file. If it does not have the required read or write permissions, it will be unable to find or work with the file, leading to an NSCocoaErrorDomain error.

Diagnosing the Error

To properly identify and fix this error, developers need to use a step-by-step method:

Confirm the File Path

Make sure the file path used in the code is accurate. Look for spelling mistakes or hardcoded paths that may not work in various environments.

Ensure the File is Present

Check that the file is located at the given path. Utilize file management tools or terminal commands to verify that the file is accessible.

Review Permissions

Take a moment to check the permissions for the file and the directories that lead to it. It’s important to confirm that the application has the appropriate read and write permissions needed to access the file.

Diagnosing the Error

Debug and Log 

Consider implementing logging to collect detailed information about file access attempts. Additionally, debugging tools can help you navigate the code to find the exact point where the error occurs.

Fixing the Error

After identifying the cause of the error, developers can implement suitable solutions to fix it:

Dynamic Path Resolution

Refrain from hardcoding file paths in your application. Instead, utilize the framework’s dynamic path resolution techniques, like NSFileManager in Cocoa. This practice ensures that paths are accurately resolved according to the current environment and user settings.

errordomain=nscocoaerrordomain&errormessage=kunde inte hitta den angivna genvägen.&errorcode=4

Handle Missing Files 

Incorporate error handling to deal with situations when a file cannot be found. It’s important to present users with helpful error messages and suggest alternatives or ways to recover. For instance, if a configuration file is absent, prompt the user to choose a new file or revert to the default settings.

Fixing the Error

Validate Inputs

When file paths come from user inputs, check their accuracy to confirm they lead to valid files. If the provided path is incorrect, give users feedback and assist them in making the necessary corrections.

Managing Permissions

Make sure the application asks for and receives the required permissions to access files. For applications on macOS, utilize the correct APIs to request user access permissions.


import Cocoa

func requestFileAccess() {

    let openPanel = NSOpenPanel()

    // Set the properties of the open panel

    openPanel.title = “Select a File”

    openPanel.allowedFileTypes = [“txt”, “pdf”, “jpg”] // Adjust allowed file types as needed

    openPanel.canChooseFiles = true

    openPanel.canChooseDirectories = false

    // Present the open panel to the user

    openPanel.begin { result in

        if result == .OK {

            guard let url = openPanel.url else {

                print(“No file selected.”)



            // Request access to the selected file

            self.accessFile(at: url)

        } else {

            print(“User canceled the file selection.”)




func accessFile(at url: URL) {

    do {

        let fileData = try Data(contentsOf: url)

        print(“File accessed successfully. Data size: \(fileData.count) bytes”)

    } catch {

        print(“Failed to access the file: \(error.localizedDescription)”)



// Call the function to request file access


This code provides a basic framework for requesting file access permissions in a macOS application. You can adjust the allowed file types and add more functionality as needed.



The errordomain=nscocoaerrordomain&errormessage=kunde inte hitta den angivna genvägen.&errorcode=4 presents a significant challenge for macOS developers.

By understanding the causes behind this error, developers can better diagnose and resolve it. Following best file management and error handling practices is crucial for effective solutions. 

To avoid issues, it’s vital to ensure that file paths are dynamically resolved. Additionally, handling missing files in a user-friendly way can improve overall user satisfaction.

Validating user inputs and managing permissions correctly also plays a key role in preventing errors. Implementing these strategies will help developers create robust applications that manage file access reliably and provide a positive experience for users.

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