How to Connect Homepod to New WiFi

Key Information

  • Your HomePod will connect automatically to the same Wi-Fi network as your iPhone.

  • You can change the Wi-Fi settings on your HomePod only if your iPhone is linked to a different network.

  • To switch to your iPhone’s current Wi-Fi, open the Home app, select your HomePod, and follow the instructions on the screen.

You can only change your HomePod’s WiFi network after your iPhone connects to the new one.

The HomePod automatically links to the WiFi your iPhone is using, but it will only switch networks if your iPhone does first. Here’s how to update the WiFi for your HomePod.

Changing your HomePod’s Wi-Fi 

To update your HomePod’s Wi-Fi, connect your iPhone to the desired network.

Once your iPhone is on the proper Wi-Fi, follow these steps to link your HomePod to that network manually:

  • Launch the Home app on your iPhone.
Changing your HomePod’s Wi-Fi 
  • Select your HomePod from the list.
Changing your HomePod’s Wi-Fi 
  • Tap the gear icon to view settings.
Changing your HomePod’s Wi-Fi (2)
  • Click the option that says Move HomePod to “[Wi-Fi Name].”
Changing your HomePod’s Wi-Fi (3)

After that, you can learn how to reset both HomePod minis and HomePods.

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