How to Hide Apps on iPhone for Better Privacy

how to hide apps on iphone

Apple has made security and privacy stronger in iOS 18 for iPhones. One of the most valuable updates is the option to lock individual apps with Face ID. You can also hide these apps in a folder. This guide will show you how to lock and hide apps on your iPhone using the new iOS 18 features.

iOS 18 allows you to lock both Apple’s built-in and third-party apps. You can lock each native Apple app individually.

Third-party apps can be locked and placed in a hidden folder on your iPhone. This extra layer of security helps keep your private information safe.

To lock an app, you must enable Face ID for that specific app in the settings. Only your Face ID will unlock the app once you do this. If you want to hide an app, you can move it to a hidden folder that is hard to access. 

It’s helpful to hide certain apps while keeping them accessible when needed.

Locking and hiding apps gives users more control over their privacy. Whether you want to protect sensitive information or simply organize your phone better, these tools offer a straightforward way to enhance your device’s security.

With a few steps, you can ensure that only you can access the apps you choose, adding peace of mind to your everyday phone use.

For complete security and privacy, locked and hidden app data won’t appear in:

  • Search
  • Notifications
  • Spotlight suggestions
  • Siri suggestions
  • Call history
  • Maps routing suggestions

How to Lock and Hide Apps on iPhone (iOS 18)

  1. Make sure your iPhone runs iOS 18.
  2. Long-press on the app you want to lock or hide.
  3. Select “Require Face ID” or “Require Touch ID.”
  4. Some Apple apps, like Settings and Camera, don’t have this option.
  5. Tap “Require Face ID” again or select “Hide and Require Face ID” when available.

This feature currently works with third-party apps. Apple may expand it to built-in apps in the future.

To View Hidden Apps:

  1. Swipe right to left to access the App Library.
  2. Scroll down to the bottom.
  3. Tap the Hidden folder and use Face ID or Touch ID to reveal the apps.

Here’s how a built-in iOS 18 app shows this. Repeat the steps and select Don’t Require Face ID to turn off the lock.

How to Lock and Hide Apps on iPhone iOS 18

A third-party app displays this, which you can lock and hide.

Apple says that when you hide an app, it no longer shows on your Home Screen. You won’t find it in the Hidden folder unless you unlock it. Hidden apps stay out of sight to help keep your Home Screen clean and private.

You can still access the app once it’s unlocked, but until then, it remains hidden. This feature is helpful if you want to organize your iPhone or keep certain apps from being easily seen by others.

Press and hold the app in the Hidden folder. Select Don’t Require Face ID to move it back to the Home Screen and unlock it.

Thank you for reading about how to lock and hide apps on iPhone with iOS 18!

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