How to Reduce Blue Light on iPhone

The blue light from your device might disrupt your sleep. Here are some tips for reducing blue light exposure for better rest.

The screens we use daily release a lot of blue light. This is okay during the day but can interfere with sleep at night.

Blue light can trick your brain into thinking it’s still daytime, which might keep you awake if you use your device before bed.

Although research on blue light’s effects on sleep is still being determined, minimizing your screen time in the evening is a good idea, especially if you struggle to fall asleep.

On Apple devices, a setting called Night Shift changes the screen’s color tone. For Windows computers, a similar feature called Night Light exists.

A lot of Android devices include their own blue light filter, and third-party apps can also handle this task. To reduce blue light on your device, follow these steps.

iPad, iPhone, and Mac Night Shift  

To enable Night Shift on your iPhone or iPad, open Settings and select Display & Brightness.

Find Night Shift, which changes your screen to a warmer tone, reducing blue light. You can adjust and personalize the settings from this menu.

iPad, iPhone, and Mac Night Shift

To activate Night Shift right away, toggle the switch next to “Manually Enable Until Tomorrow.” The blue light filter will turn on until the following day.

Night Shift

You can also schedule Night Shift to automatically turn on and off at specific times. Enable the “Scheduled” option, then choose the time you want it to start and stop.

For instance, you might set it to activate an hour before bedtime and turn off when you wake up.


Night Shift can also be set to automatically turn on at sunset and off at sunrise.

If that option doesn’t appear, you’ll need to go to System Services settings, and enable Setting Time Zone.

Setting Time Zone

The color temperature of your screen can be adjusted with a slider to make it cooler or warmer.

A warmer tone will help improve sleep quality, but make sure it’s still comfortable to look at. Keep adjusting the settings until you reach your perfect color temperature.

color temperature

You can also turn on Night Shift from the Control Center on your iPhone or iPad. Access the Control Center and press firmly on the Brightness control.

Then, tap the orange Night Shift button located beside the Dark Mode button to enable it.

On a Mac, navigate to the displays settings and select the Night Shift option.

From there, you can activate it manually, set it to turn on automatically, and change the color temperature to your liking.

Android Blue-Light Apps  

For Android devices without a built-in Blue Light filter or missing desired features, third-party apps are available to help reduce blue light exposure.

Blue Light Filter: This app offers several preset color temperature options, allowing you to minimize blue light.

It even provides recommendations on which settings will improve your sleep. You can further customize the filter by changing its intensity and brightness levels.

sFilter: It lets you activate a blue light filter manually or schedule it to switch on and off at certain times throughout the day or night.

You have control over the filter’s color, opacity, and brightness. You can also create a shortcut or widget to quickly access the filter without opening the app.

Twilight: Twilight helps you choose the best color temperature as you adjust the slider.

You can keep the filter on all the time, have it run from the whole day, or set it to activate at specific hours.

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