WhatsApp for WearOS Review

Have you ever wondered what features the WhatsApp for WearOS, which can be installed on smartwatches running WearOS 3 and newer, has? Have you ever wondered whether you can use WhatsApp only on the watch without your phone? We wondered and tested, we will explain WhatsApp for WearOS in all details so that you can get answers to your questions.

Features of WhatsApp for WearOS

WhatsApp for WearOS has very basic features. The basic working logic is that it connects to your phone as if you are connecting to your phone like WhatsApp Web. Just as you can use WhatsApp Web when your phone is off, you can use WhatsApp for WearOS when your phone is off.

  • View your chat list
  • Sending message or sending a voice recording on existing chats
  • Viewing the received images
  • Listening to voice messages
  • Viewing received stickers
  • React to messages

There are quite a few things you can do, but when we look at the things you can’t do, there are quite a lot of things we can’t do. When we list them, you can understand that using WhatsApp on your smartwatch is not very advantageous.

  • Photo enlargement feature is not available. You can only preview thumbnail
  • You can’t watch videos
  • You can’t create a new chat
  • You can’t send stickers
  • You can’t delete messages
  • You can’t edit messages
  • You can’t mute chats

You also need to be constantly connected to the internet to use WhatsApp on the smartwatch. If there is no Wi-Fi around you, you need to download E-SIM on your smartwatch. Therefore, your battery may run out much sooner than it should. Therefore, using the smartwatch as a substitute for a smartphone may not please you very much.

If you have an Android Smartwatch that supports WearOS 3 and above, you can try Whatsapp for WearOS on your smartwatch. Google said that with WearOS 4.0, you will add the ability to receive WhatsApp calls in the WhatsApp application. You can check which smartwatches will receive the WearOS 4.0 update, which will be introduced today, and increase WhatsApp features.

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