Huawei believes that AI smartphones will soon have 90% market share

AI… AI… AI… We are not sure whether AI will be able to take over the world or not, but it is surely taking over our social media feeds. It is growing at a very rapid pace. AI-powered Chatbots are among one of the most popular AI products. Smartphone OEMs such as Apple have even started implementing AI on their smartphones. Huawei also believes that AI smartphones will soon account for 90% of the market share.

AI smartphones will soon conquer the world

You might be wondering what is “AI smartphones?” Well, the AI smartphones are nothing but the same conventional smartphones that have AI-powered features on the software. For example, the iPhone 15 Pro Max can be classified as an AI smartphone because it has AI features in the name of Apple Intelligence.

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A Global 5G-A commercial pilot program launch conference event was held in Shanghai. At the event, the Executive Director of Huawei and Chairman of the ICT Infrastructure Business Management Committee delivered a keynote speech. They threw light on how the combination of 5G-A and AI smartphones is going to conquer the world.

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The Chairman adds in his speech that AI-powered smartphones account for 11% market share this year. He adds that this is just a beginning and the total market share of it could reach as high as 90% by the year 2030. AI and integration of LLM will soon become a standard for smartphones.

He further says “We will soon see a huge boost to traffic from AI. At the same time, 5G-A networks will be able to provide higher speeds, lower latency, and greater capacity to meet the network demands of the AI ​​era.”

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