Xiaomi’s CEO Lei Jun Ranked Among Top 15 CEOs Worldwide

Lei Jun is arguably one of the most famous CEOs in the tech world. He is both the founder and CEO of the popular tech-focused brand Xiaomi. As a key player behind Xiaomi, he is responsible for many of its operations. Under his leadership, Xiaomi has expanded its product lineup into various categories, and it has recently entered the automobile market by launching its first electric vehicle (EV). The CEO is now ranked among the top 15 CEOs worldwide.

Lei Jun is now ranked in world’s top 15 CEOs

In the latest Top 100 Brand Guardians 2024 list, Xiaomi’s CEO Lei Jun is ranked at 11th position worldwide. This essentially means he’s among the world’s top 15 CEOs. In 2023, he was ranked at 18th position and now he’s promoted to 11th position overall. The BGI score of the CEO is 74.7 as per the report.

The BGI (Business Global Influence) score reflects a CEO’s remarkable influence and leadership in the market. With an impressive score of 74.7 in the BGI Index, Lei Jun stands out among the top CEOs, exemplifying the power of influence, innovation, and leadership. Xiaomi serves as a shining example of how dedication to innovation and research and development can transform products and inspire the industry.

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